Auskunft und News für Nutzer und Freunde der Tool Bar für Second Life®, Web 2.0, Web3D... English

Dienstag, 24. November 2009

Welcome to Cariama: XstreetSL alternative

"Why should you pay commission on sales and be limited in buying and selling products and services in Second Life® world! Cariama brings you the tools to buy and sell in Second Life® world and OpenSimulator Grids with 0% commission on sales.

The new Headquarters opened its doors in Second Life® world. It is located in Alpha Centauri sim owned by Azure Islands.
Four CTerminals are available for preregistration. When preregistered, news will be sent weekly with updates on the current progress of Cariama.

Several features have already been implemented in Cariama: multiple avatars are sharing the same Cariama account, products are sold inworld with vending machines and via the website, collections and stores creation is enabled, and customers’ statistics are given.

Cariama is expected to be launched end of December, stay stunned!

Kay Noble (SL, and other virtual worlds)"
via Cariama

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